Shahrullohon LutfillohonovVisual Perception for Self-Driving Cars! Part 3: 3D Object DetectionLearn concepts by coding! Explore how deep learning and computer vision are used for different visual tasks in autonomous driving.Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022
Rohit Rajput3D Object Detection EvaluationBasic parameters needed to evaluate the performance of the model:Jan 3, 2023Jan 3, 2023
Abdul HaqA disection into 3D Object Detection through PyTorch based code and ComplexYOLO AlgorithmThe following example of Complex Yolo implementation is based on the code from the Nguyen Mau Dzung LINK.Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
InDataDrivenInvestorbyXavier RigouletLiDAR: 3D Perception and Object DetectionDetecting Vehicles and Pedestrians With 3D Object Detection on LiDAR Point CloudsJan 6, 20223Jan 6, 20223
InTDS ArchivebyMohammad SanatkarLidar 3d Object Detection MethodsThis blogpost is best suited for those who have basic familiarity with image-based 2d object detection networks and are interested in…Jun 2, 20208Jun 2, 20208